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Wherever we go



This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

The Hollow Men – T.S. Elliot


Inspired by isolation and how humans relate to each

other in solitude Øystein Johansen.

In Wherever we go we meet three men hiding.


They hide from the end of everything. In their fear of the

end, their doubts and believes come to the surface.

Where isolation makes a bubble, a reality within the

reality, while the world outside actually goes on.


Dramaturg: Jonas Rutgeerts

Advice scenography and costume: Nicky de Jong

Performers: Yannick Greweldinger, Igor Vrebac, Marius Mensink

Composer: Hans Kristen Hyrve

Artistic advisor: Charlotte Van Devyver

Production: Huis van Bourgondië

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