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In the forest, between chopped logs and porcelain tea cups, 

A man and a woman meet.

They become pregnant. 

He wants. 

Its her body. 

lts her choice.

He wants.

She wants to move on. 



Produced by: The Great Pretenders.

Director: Øystein Johansen.

Performers:  Marie Othilie Hundevadt, Dag Arnesen Gjertsen, Marie Nikazm Bakken.

Composer: Hans Kristen Hyrve.

Costume: Fredrik Staum Floen.

Text: Kristine Berg.

Technician: Sigrid Marie Kittelsaa Vesaas.



Funded by: Dovre og Sel Kommune, Regionrådet for Nord-Gudbrandsdalen, Oppland Fylkeskommune og Fritt Ord.   

Special thanks to: 3. year Hjerleid High School. 


Thanks to: Camilla Vanebo, Ann Christin Vole og Kristin Undset, Anne Britt Roen Eriksen, G-35 Gudbrandsdalsost,,Teater Innlandet, Martin Myrvold, Trygve Svindland, Oddny Garmo, Kristine Lie, Jan og Marit L. Johansen, Helle Hundevadt og Hans-Jacob Dahl, Gro Bakken og Kamran Nikazm, Hallgjerd Bakken, Menz Atle Minkstuen, Brock LeMieux. Kiwi Otta, Coop Mega Gudbrandsdalen, Kiwi Dombås, Bunnpris Dombås, Rema 1000 Otta

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